/** * @file This file provides a screen class that can be displayed at the end of a test * @author Arlo Filley * * TODO: * - provide the user with the data of the test that they have just * completed, such as their wpm, accuracy, etc. */ /** * This class is for a screen that is displayed at the end of a test, * currently it just tells the user to press start to enter another test */ class EndScreen { constructor() { this.menu = new Menu(); } draw() { textSize(100); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); fill(user.colorScheme.text); text("Test Complete", 0, 0, windowWidth - 100, windowHeight / 6); textSize(30); text(`${user.lastTest.wpm} words per minute`, windowWidth / 2, 200); text(`${user.lastTest.accuracy}% accuracy`, windowWidth / 2, 240); text(`${user.lastTest.test_length} characters typed`, windowWidth / 2, 280); text(`${user.lastTest.test_time}s`, windowWidth / 2, 320); this.menu.draw(); } letterTyped(key) { if (key === "Enter") screenManager.setScreen(new TestScreen()); } }