
This commit is contained in:
Santi 2024-07-15 20:37:06 +01:00
parent a228659836
commit 2c1833e254
24 changed files with 159 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
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@ -3771,6 +3771,13 @@ MonoBehaviour:
hole7: {fileID: 1398370920} hole7: {fileID: 1398370920}
hole8: {fileID: 1695093344} hole8: {fileID: 1695093344}
hole9: {fileID: 365973832} hole9: {fileID: 365973832}
hole10: {fileID: 0}
hole11: {fileID: 0}
hole12: {fileID: 0}
hole13: {fileID: 0}
hole14: {fileID: 0}
hole15: {fileID: 0}
hole16: {fileID: 0}
mole: {fileID: 1970547168} mole: {fileID: 1970547168}
timerSpeed: 0 timerSpeed: 0
lifeTime: 7.5 lifeTime: 7.5

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ using UnityEngine;
public class Moles : MonoBehaviour public class Moles : MonoBehaviour
{ {
public GameObject hole1, hole2, hole3, hole4, hole5, hole6, hole7, hole8, hole9; public GameObject hole1, hole2, hole3, hole4, hole5, hole6, hole7, hole8, hole9, hole10, hole11, hole12, hole13, hole14, hole15, hole16;
public GameObject mole; public GameObject mole;
private float defaultSpeed = 10f; private float defaultSpeed = 10f;
public float timerSpeed; public float timerSpeed;

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Beating With Sticks
Beating with sticks is a minigame where the player is given a big long stick
they drag around and are tasked with beating the ever loving shit out of
other people. This can be other players if thats every implemented, enemy
Ais that are also trying to beat you to death, or animals or something like
that which will run from you. If its against animals or AIs that dont fight
back, the player can click on them every few seconds to stun them. Maybe
a rock is thrown in their direction. The player will either need to get all Ais
before a time limit or be the last one standing.
>[!NOTE] Beating With Sticks Concept Art
A top down or first person view may be given, maybe a 50/50 chance of

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Defend!
This game will be a tower defense minigame. Enemies will move in a predetermined route towards the players base. The player can towers to slow, stun, and defeat the enemies. The player will start with a few lives and if enough enemies reach the players base then the player will lose all of their lives, and eventually the mini-game.
To keep this mini-game simple the player will start with all of the funds they will need to defeat the waves. The mini-game could be made more difficult by adjusting this starting balance. The player would have to use these funds to defeat a few waves of enemies as they move towards the players base.
One way this could be made more interesting is by adding certain rougelike elements to make the experience unique each time. This could include randomly generate obstacles or giving players a random set of three out of a set of towers each time they play. This would add replayability by making the game different each time.
This game would be a tile based top-down perspective game. This could be easily implemented by using a 2d array in Unity. Each tile could be an obstacle an enemy path or a placeable tower tile. There could be multiple lanes for enemies to move through towards the players base.
>[!NOTE] Defend! Mockup

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Jump Rope
This game will be very simple. It will be played from side on with the player having only one input. Which makes the player character jump. The jumps will need to be timed with a jump rope which will over time spin faster and faster. To beat the game the player would have to last past a certain time limit, such as 20 seconds. Another win condition could be that the player has to jump over the rope a certain number of times. If the player mistimes their jump and hits the rope the game would be over and the game would be done.

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Parkour
## Summary
The parkour mini-game will consist of a platforming game over a hazard of some kind, such as a pit of lava. The player will have to reach the end of the level before they hazard catches them. If they are not able to reach the finishing platform before the hazard reaches them they will lose.
>[!NOTE] Parkour Mockup
There will be a select set of courses that the player could have for the parkour mini-game. Each of these will be distinguishable from each other by the hazard used in the level. Some possible hazards could be rising lava or acid, a large tsunami wave chasing the player. The hazard will always be chasing the player in some way. It could even be an enemy that is trying to shoot the player if they stand still for too long while they platform their way to the end.
Another way the parkour mini-game could work is with a timer. This would put more emphasis on the player to be fast rather than surviving a hazard of some sort. In both ways this mini-game would take no longer than 1:30 minutes to complete. To make the mini-game more difficult the amount of time the player has could be easily adjusted.
The biggest challenge of this game will be to keep the game scope small. There is a lot of room to add more mechanics, whether they be for movement, in the form of levels, enemies or so on. When developing the game it will be aimed to be kept simple. Simple mechanics, sprint, walk, jump, double-jump, etc.

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