Catch - Added special object, bomb removes 3 score
CubeGravity - Added increased gravity to the special object
BoxTP_Catch - Added spcial object, more items spawn as timer goes down, at 0 game stops.
2024-07-15 16:41:49 +01:00
Catch: Added bombs to the game, lowered time, fixed double point error.
Movement: Fixed player moving faster when moving diagonally
2024-06-28 13:23:30 +01:00
Fixed bug with box spawns. Boxes and containers get random colour on start. Optimised code/Removed script
Added explanation of comment symbols/colours
2024-06-13 01:52:43 +01:00
Documentation: Added Whack-A-Mole PDF
Unity: Created Whak-A-Mole Prototype Scene, Script and Added Score Functinality
2024-05-02 12:57:13 +01:00
Unity: Pickable Objects & Prototype Textures
Objects tagged with PickableObjects can be picked up by the player. The object is moved above the player's head, multiple objects cannot be picked up and objects can be placed down again
Added textures from the Unity Asset Store For Testing Grounds
2024-04-28 15:08:27 +01:00
Unity: Character Movement For Bean
2024-04-28 14:13:37 +01:00
Arlo Filley
Initial Commit
2024-04-27 00:16:32 +01:00