
1.9 KiB


Concept Diagram

Objective Summary

The objective of this game will be to destroy all targets before the time runs out or lives are lost. To make the game more challenging the targets will replenish periodically and possibly have multiple obstacles.

Time Countdown

There will be a time limit on the screen to increase pressure, the pressure of the simple objective. The time limit could have time added to it or removed depending on what happen, for example a powerup gives more time or taking damage lowers the time, and obviously when the time runs out you lose.


This mini game will have obstacles to avoid making the game too easy, if there is a difficulty scale the harder modes will add more obstacles such as:

  • Moving enemies to avoid
  • Possible "Death-zones"
  • Multiple stories to reach high targets
  • A second player

2 player

If a second player is introduced the 2 players will be randomly chosen to either:

  • Survive and destroy the obstacles and targets or
  • Try to sabotage the other player by controlling the obstacles (Difficulty will have to scale whether in single-player or multiplayer to avoid frustration and keep the playing field fair)


Multiple different maps for the gamemode changing the verticality like stairs or lifts giving the mini-game depth and a unique feel to make it replayable. this can also add to the difficulty scale meaning the harder difficulty adds more layers and vice versa. The targets will have multiple layers too to give the verticality a use. Finally the verticality could be tampered with by the second player if there is one.


Multiple traps can form around the map to make the game challenging, these traps can range from a simple spike trap to a much harder trap to dodge forcing the player to stand in a specified area to stay safe (these will change with the difficulty scale if there is one). The traps can be controlled or placed by the 2nd player.